Tuesday 2 March 2010

Welcome to the World, Baby Doll...

Well, here we are then.

My first post, hopefully of many, on my new blog. Blimey. I should have seen this coming when I got a smartphone. I have thus far been catapulted into the technical age... Mainly whooping with joy instead of screaming with terror.

I wonder if it'll be too much of a good thing? Like the times, as a child, you would holler to your Dad to push you higher and faster on the swing, until there was the first hint of bile in the back of your throat and you had to concede defeat...'Enough now; I want to get off'.

I now have a facebook profile. I'm on twitter. Dear me, I'm only a myspace page away from being a tormented teen! Along with these things, I have The Fear. The Fear mainly functions in the way my brain struggles to remember the passwords for all these things that I wonder if I'll forget how to walk? If knowledge resides in your brain like a priority list, what if swallowing is shunted off the list by my new googlemail password?

Worrying times indeed.

So now I have a blog... man. 'Hey yeah, read about it on my blog...dude?!'

Does this mean I suddenly have to make sense and be coherent? I hope not. Ever so slightly worried by the fact people will read and comment. On stage I'm always a bit worried about being heckled, 'Get off you silly baggage!'

That said, I'm really not sure how twitter works at the best of times. But it seems to be full of famous people exclaiming things that are totally unimportant. More expectation on their heads I would have thought?

Anyway, I'm rushing this first one out because I want to have made a start and done something productive today. But the real reason I'm here is to increase my writing stamina... The Book will never get done if I don't treat it like a job... So here I am. Besides, the Word licence on my netbook expired and this is cheaper... Judge me if you will!

So I shall bid you adieu. First one over and done with. Now what to write next?



  1. I think it's rude not to comment if you've read someone's blog. So I'm commenting. I like it.
